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All my plans coming to fruition
All my plans coming to fruition
Can I get it all in????
Its the night before the day before the British Craft Trade Fair.
As you would have all read, I have spent the last 6 months, eating, thinking, dreaming and working, in preparation for my first trade fair.
I have measured, planned and worked with a two great local small businesses to turn my vision into reality.
The funny thing is that I measured the car to ensure that my bespoke table will get into my car, but I have now idea whether I will be able to get everything into the car.
So at 11:30pm Friday night I decided that this would be a perfect time to find out.
Seats down, passenger seat moved forward to maximise the space:
Working with what is at best described as a car that represents a fiendish Chinese puzzle, the task begins.
Luckily for me, 45 minutes later and a bit of lateral thinking, I have managed to get everything in!!!!
As its 12:15am on Saturday morning, I will have to wait until it gets a bit lighter to show the end result.....
I have to say I have I am impressed, by my little car.
What do you think?