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It's Here!!!!!!!!
It's Here!!!!!!!!
It's been a long time coming, and now it's the first day of the British Craft Trade Fair 2018 in Harrogate.
As you would have read from my previous blog post, yesterday was quite and busy and challenging day, which didn't get any better.
I was able to travel up to Harrogate without any incident, and set up my little P2 stand in the Yorkshire Exhibition Centre.
After such a long day, I was really looking forward to a good meal, a shower and a good night sleep.
However unfortunately this was not to be, as due to some cross contamination, the hotel restaurant managed to spark my garlic allergy!
Luckily I never leave home without my epipen and anti-histamines, and as I was suspicious of the meal I was cautious, but clearly not cautious enough to serve the meal.
Any despite my last nights shenanigans, I am up and ready for a day of selling to the buyers.
The stand is looking awesome: