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3 Healing Crystals for Venus Retrograde
3 Healing Crystals for Venus Retrograde
Venus goes into Retrograde on the 14th March and ends on the 6th April which occurs in the sign of Aries
When Venus goes into retrograde, it's time to hit pause and reflect on what's really important to you, especially in love, relationships and finances.
It's all about reassessing your values and revisiting past choices with a special focus on the areas of life represented by the houses where Aries and Pisces fall in your natal chart.
This period has a way of bringing people from the past back into the picture so think back to what was going on around March-April 2017, when Venus was retrograde the last time in these exact signs.
A powerful Venus Retrograde mantra, I am worthy of a nurturing and soulful LOVE that encourages growth, and spiritual evolving, making the following crystals, perfect for this period:
Joolz xxx