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Purpurite derives its name from the Latin Purpura which means Purple.
Its most common colour for this healing crystal is a very deep, almost black, purple, but it can also be found in pinkish and lavendar purples. Its' colour is dependent upon the amount of managanese and iron present in the stone.
Purpurite activates the crown chakra and is a fabulous healing gemstone to use for grounding after meditating. It can aslo open teh 8th chakra, and it has been said that those who have been working with this healing crystal have been able to access the soul star chakra, which has aided their enlightenment
Purpurite is said to stimulate confidence, assist in comunicating with clarity and giving one the sense of freedom.
Purpurite can be used to break old patterns of behaviour, formed due to perceived ideas of security, by helping one to make choices, about when it is time to move or on to stay put.
Purpurite is the perfect healing crystal to use to contact angels, and is excellent in forming strong connections with spirit guides, allowing one to communicate with them distinctly and accurately.
When astral travelling Purpurite can be used as a protection healing crystal.
Purpurite is one of the strongest and purest violet ray vibrational healing crystals, as it embodies violet flame energy which when used in meditation will bring about serenity and deep peacefulness
This healing crystal is fabulous for releasing stress and anxiety.
It is said that Purpurite is great for healing hemorraghes, bruising and supeficial wounds.
It's purple energy may assist in blood disorders, improving the blood transporation to the heart and lungs, possibly also purifying the blood.
It has been reported that Purpurite can regulate uric acid levels and stablise the ones pulse.
- Higher Dimensional Awareness
- Insight
- Intuition
- Protection
- Purification
- Crown
- Soul Star
- Third Eye
- Virgo