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Dumortierite makes one more open when connecting with angelic or spirit guides, it shows ones archetypal eternal self, and reconnects to ones innate wisdom.
Clairaudience can be achieved when Dumortierite is placed behind the ear, and when placed on the soma (past life) chakra it activates past-life memories, to the beginning of ones soul journey allowing one to view agreements and contracts made over time.
Dumortierite allows the renegotiation of those that are no longer applicable, and via the sona chakra this healing crystal breaks the ties that no longer serve and assists in the rescinding of vows made, by identifying and releasing past life roots of disease, challenging circumstances or relationships in the present life
Dumortierite can reprogram cellular memory by identifying patterns that cause addictions and compulsions. It can break karmic cycles of co-dependency, assisting carers to realise that when dealing with addicts or when in a controlling addictive behaviour relationship that they cannot do it for that person.
Dumortierite stabilises a difficult and challenging relationship and attracts a soul mate, this process may lead to some hard lessons to be learnt, but this healing crystal will help in seeing the worth of each human being and the reasons for them coming into ones life.
It will also show why one chooses to learn through the challenges and difficulties, and aids in being grateful to the other party for their role in the karmic learning process
When one needs to increase their confidence by standing up for oneself Dumortierite assists in the adaptation of functional reality, by providing patience or courage and activating ones instinct for self preservation.
Dumortierite is a calming healing crystal, which promotes detachment, self love and joie de vivre , a constructive young at heart attitude. For those who are chaotic and disorganised dumortierite assists in taking control of ones life, and helps in overcoming shyness, stress, phobias, insomnia, panic, fear, depression or stubbornness.
Dumortierite is a stone that aids mental abilities by overcoming difficult situations, it increases clarity and self discipline and enhances organisational abilities, focus and linguistic abilities for communication.
This is a great stone for students, or any one who wishes to learn new skills, as it promotes mental discipline and helps with memory, especially when large amounts of information are required over a short period of time.
Dumortierite can be used to stimulate any latent psychic or prophetic gifts.
Dumortierite is a healing crystal that works on the psychosomatic level.
It is said that Dumortierite is useful for the following conditions:
- cellular memory
- hypersensitivity
- epilepsy
- nausea and vomiting
- cramp
- headaches
- palpitations, and
- wasting disorders
- Enhanced Mental Abilities
- Inner Vision
- Intuition
- Power
- Psychic Ability
- Crown
- Third Eye
- Virgo