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Agates are excellent grounding healing crystals, that emotionally, physically and intellectually rebalances and harmonising body, mind and spirit, and can assist in stabilising and centering the physical energy
Agate is a soothing and calming healing crystal that can bring harmony to the opposing energies of life, such as yin & yang and the positive & negative, that although works slowly brings tremendous strength.
Due to Agates multiple layers it can uncover information that has been hidden.
Need to work on self acceptance? Agate is the healing crystal to use.
It builds self confidence, aid self-analysis, highlights hidden circumstances, focusing on any disease that may be interfering with ones well-being.
Agate enhances mental functionality, improves concentration, perception and analytical abilities, resulting in practical solutions.
Agate operates in the realm of the truth, and as such loves and actively encourages one to speak ones' truth, when combined with clear crystals it can stimulate memories.
It cleanses and stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity and bitterness of the heart. It heals inner anger by fostering love and provides the courage to start over.
Agate is a fabulous healing crystal for use in dealing with emotional trauma, by creating a sense of safety and security by dissipating internal tensions.
Agate can raise ones consciousness and connections to collective consciousness and awareness of the oneness of life, its emboldens contemplation and the assimilation of ones life experiences, resulting in spiritual growth and inner stability
Agates most prominent healing property is its ability to stabilise the aura, by eliminating and transforming negative energies.
Agate has an extremely powerful cleansing effect on both the physical and emotional, when placed on the heart chakra, it will heal emotional disease that's impending the acceptance of love. When placed on the abdomen it stimulates the digestive system, relieving gastritis.
Agate heals the eyes, stomach and uterus; cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.
In addition to the generic healing properties of Agate, specific colours and types have additional attributes:
Botswana Agate
Botswana Agate is beneficial to smokers and those wanting to quit smoking.
It helps one to look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems, explore unknown territory and ones own creativity.
Botswana Agate aids in seeing the bigger picture, releases repression and helps the body to assimilate oxygen. Aids depression.
Chakra - Crown Chakra Typical colours - purplish-grey
Bulls Eye Agate
Bulls Eye Agate (also known as Orbicular Agate) has long been thought to ward off the evil-eye or curses.
It helps the survival instinct, eliminating fear and helping to improve one's chances for survival in dangerous situations.
It stimulates the quality of grace in physical movements and actions.
Bulls Eye Agate balances the chakras and stimulates an awareness and fulfillment of well-being.
It treats disorders of the reproductive system. Aids in the treatment of growths and stimulates regenerative properties.
Zodiac - Libra Typical colours - black and white rings (or bands)
Green Moss Agate
Green Moss Agate occurs in a variety of different shades from light green to deep green, many with dendritic inclusions through the stone.
It is an excellent healing stone that will particularly help those suffering with long-term illnesses.
This green crystal possesses excellent spiritual grounding energy.
It is said that Moss Agate can correct imbalances between the left and right sides of the brain, which may stimulate creativity.
Moss Agate may aid one to understand how one may attract nature spirits to assist one to increase abundance and prosperity in ones life.
White Agate
White Agate is "The ultimate pregnancy stone", by protecting both mother and baby from harm, soothes labour pains, eases morning sickness, and ensures a healthy milk flow for the baby.
Chakra - Crown Chakra
- Healing
- Protection
- Crown
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Virgo
- Capricorn
- May
- October