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Obsidian derives its' name from the Latin obsidianus meaning of Obsidius, the Roman who discovered this volcanic glass healing crystal.
Obsidian is a super cooled molten lava healing crystal, without boundaries or limitations, and as such its' effects are very powerful and fast acting.
Obsidian is truth-enhancing, reflective and merciless when exposing flaws, weaknesses and blockages.
Nothing can be hidden from Obsidian!!!
Obsidian is a healing crystal of growth, providing support, by improving any destructive or demoralising obstacles, and urges one into the exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.
An extremely protective stone, Obsidian forms a shield against negativity, provides grounding via the base chakra to the earth centre, absorbs negative environmental energy and provides one with strength in times of need.
Obsidian blocks psychic attacks and removes negative spiritual influences.
When looking for effective protection against geopathic stress and absorption of environmental pollution as large piece of Obsidian is required, but bear in mind in doing this, this healing crystal has the propensity to exposing the truth, so one must consider this.
Obsidian not only draws out mental stress and releases tension, especially when placed under pillow, but it will highlight the causes of the sources of the stress, which means that theses issues will have to resolved for peace to be returned, but the issue will be resolved permanently!
Obsidian brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion and earlier restrictive programming, by exposing what is causing the mental disease, but once this has been dealt with this healing crystal will expand ones consciousness, to allow one to move to the realm of the unkwown with ease and confidence.
Helps one to know who one truly is, anchoring the spirit into the body, by making one face ones dark side and teaches how to integrate this side, identify outdated and historical behavioural patterns.
By dissolving emotional blockages blockages and ancient traumas, Obsidian brings about deep clear emotions, promoting compassion and strength.
Obsidian is all about understanding what causes disease.
Its' main healing property is assisting in anything that is hard to accept in ones life.
Obsidian aids in the digestion, detoxification, removal of blockages and tension within the physical and subtle bodies.
It reduces arthritis pain, joint problems injuries and cramps, can be used to warm the extremities, stanches bleeding to benefit circulation.
In addition to the generic healing properties of Obsidian, specific colours and types have additional attributes:
Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative healing crystal, grounding ones soul and spiritual essence to the physical plane, where the conscious will enabling one to manifest spiritual energy on earth.
Looking for increased self control? Use Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian makes one deal with ones true self, by delving deep into ones subconscious, exposing imbalances and hidden negative qualities and factors to be fully understood and/or experienced before being released, which can include past lives, ancestral and familial lines.
By recycling the past Black Obsidian creates a fertile energy foundation that allows the soul to grow, reversing previous abuses of power, addressing multi-level power struggles, teaching that empowerment is about power for the good of all and not wielding ones power over others.
A strongly protective healing crystal Black Obsidian fights off negativity and disseminates unloving thoughts, which can aid one in releasing old loves while providing support during transitions.
Black Obsidian has the property of prophesy and can aid precognition, and has been used in shamanic ceremonies in the removal of physical aliments. When placed on the navel it grounds energy spiritually into the body, and it can break mental barriers and dissolves mental programming when held briefly over the 3rd eye chakra.
Rainbow Obsidian
Although Rainbow Obsidian is a gentler healing crystal compared to other Obsidian gemstones, it still has strong protective properties. It teaches one about ones spiritual nature.
This gemstone aids one to release past emotional issues, and cuts the ties to old loves and releases gently any hooks that have been left in the heart, allowing the heart to replenish its' energy.
It allows one to access the places to enables the healing of old emotional issues.
It's energy is said to be unusual in the fact that it allows one to go to the deepest darkest depths of ones being and find ones light.
This gemstone vibrates with strong spiritual grounding energy, and such can be used to cleanse and align all the chakras
Rainbow Obsidian pendants absorbs negative energy from the aura and drains stress from the body
- Emotional Balance
- Grounding
- Healing
- Manifestation
- Metamorphoses
- Protection
- Psychic Ability
- Purification
- Spiritual Communication
- Stability
- Transformation
- Base
- Earth Star
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius