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Selenite derives its name from the Greek goddess Selene, who was the goddess of the Moon, along with the fact the Selenite is Greek for moon.
Commonly formed as a white healing crystal, it also can be found as transparent, orange, peach, green, grey-blue, brown and orange.
Selenite is a high vibrational healing crystal, whose energy can assist in bring light from higher realms to the physical body, helping one to connect to the Divine minds and access the angelic realms.
White and transparent Selenite activate the Crown and Soul Star chakras, and procide clarity of mind.
It is said that one can use Selenite to cleanse of aura of of bothe the physical and etheric body of negative energy accumulation, and is said to have powerful healing properties.
Selenite can be used to activate latent abilities from past lives.
Selenite should be keep dry, as water dissolves this healing crystal. For cleansing use smudging
Selenite is a fabulous healing crystal to use for relieving stress and anxiety, and it's said to bring deep peace.
Selenite may improves ones flexibility and align ones spinal column, correct skeletal system deformaties and stabilise epileptic episodes.
Selenite may assist with symptoms due to metal poisoning from teeth fillings and reverse the effects of free radicals within the cell structure, which include cancer, tumours, age spots, wrinkles and light sensitivity.
- Clarity of thought
- Forgiveness
- Integrity
- Meditation
- Peace
- Psychic Development
- Serenity
- Spirituality
- Universal Consciousness
- Universal Love
- Crown
- Soul Star
- Third Eye
- Taurus