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Ametrine derives its name from that fact that this healing crystal is a mixture of Amethyst and Citrine, and therefore marries the healing powers of both gemstones.
A rare, unusual and powerful healing crystal, Ametrine is a naturally occurring from of Quartz, and so has the power of amplification
Ametrine links the physical plain with the higher consciousness, facilitating and protecting one during astral travel, and relieves psychic attack.
Ametrine calms the mind by clearing stress and tension from the head, and with mediation can bring about greater focus.
By activating the 3rd eye chakra Ametrine can improve healing and divination, and unities the masculine and feminine energies
Ametrine overcomes prejudice by enhancing compatibility and acceptance of others, by highlighting that everyone is linked!
Ametrine stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one’s own life, strengthens concentration, bringing clarity, harmonising perception and action, and overcome contradictions, due to it being a highly energetic healing crystal
Ametrine takes everyday reality intellect and elevates it into higher awareness, improving concentration and thinking things through, encouraging the idea of all possibilities to formulate creative solutions, resulting in clarity, harmonized perception and action.
Ametrine can faciitate the removal of blockages, negative emotional programming and traumas, expectations to bring about insight into the root causes of emotional distress.
Ametrine instigates change and eases the transition, promoting optimism and the security against stressful external influences.
Holding Ametrine will result in bringing deep-seated issues coming to the fore so that they can be voiced and healed.
Ametrine is a fast acting healing crystal, so will be particularly useful with long-standing illnesses, as it provides insights in to the root causes of the disease.
Ametrine powerful cleansing energy disperses negativity from the aura, cleans and energises the blood, eliminates toxins from the body and regenerates the physical body.
Ametrine strengthens the immune system and aids the autonomic nervous system, stabilises DNA/RNA and oxygenates the body.
It heals physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, including lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress related diseases
Alleviates allergies and digestive disorders and ulcers.
It is said that Ametrine can assist in balancing ones body and cool and soothe ones body of those going through the menopause.
Ametrine is very helpful in getting rid of depression, leading to inner peace and tranquility.
- Abundance
- Astral Travel
- Balance
- Healing
- Intellect
- Meditation
- Money
- Power
- Sacral
- Solar Plexus
- Third Eye
- Libra