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Shattuckite derives its name from the Shattuck Mine, Bisbee Arizona, where it was discovered in 1915 by W.T. Scaller.
A significant healing crystal, Shattuckite is one of the stone for those who wish to communicate effectively with the spirit world.
It increases the vibration of ones connection, ensuring that one connects with guides of the highest vibration, and facilitates a stronger contact with personal guides, teachers and loved ones who have passed over.
Shattuckite assists in aligning oneself with the Divine mind, enabling lovingly communications that allows reflection of the wisdom of Spirit.
It helps heal relationships, by making one take responsibility fo past actions, strengthening ones ability to lovingly speak with integrity and truth.
A healing stone of truth Shattuckite aids in verbal communicatoin, providing clear messages from from spirit for the highest and greatest good.
Shattuckite activates the heart chakra, encouraging one to live your life, and sharing one truth, from the heart.
It is said that Shattuckite is a stone with strong abilities to assist one experience clear psychic abilities/visions and mediumship, and improve ones intution.
Shattuckite has a number of healing properties, due to its powerful energy, wjich make it a fabulous crystal to improve ones general health. It is said to heal the spleen, clear blockages, boost inner strength and assist with blood clots.
Through the throat chakra its assists in the treatment of tonsillitus, sore throats and minor health issue, whilst actings as a general tonic for the body.
Shattuckite may remove hypnotic commands, and restrictions against using ones psychic vision, including from past life curses or commands for secrecy.
Indigo and dark blue versions of Shattuckite may sactivate ones visionary abilities, whilst the lighter versions posses a lovely eenergy for activating the throat chakra and the blue-green stones the heart chakra.
All versions are excellent stones when mediating to deveop ones psychic gifts by activating te third eye chakra
- Channeling
- Clarity
- Higer Self
- Intuition
- Meditation
- Psychic Ability
- Transformation
- Truth
- Heart
- Third Eye
- Throat
- Aquarius
- Sagittarius