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Black Diopside
Diopside derives its name from the greek Disopsethat translates to double face, which relates to how the orientatioon of stone prism
This is a stone of eternal enlightment and healing, providing pure restorative energy for each and every lifetime endured.
It is said that the building blocks of life force energy reside within Diopside, with its vibratory effeccts resonating deep within ones soul, penetrating the limits of ones minds that we cannot comprehend.
The most common version of this healing crystal is Green Diopside, which activates the heart chakra and is commonly used for healing and metaphysical activities.
Black Diopsides strong vibrations may assist in balancing ones aura, helping the etheric/energy body absorb more light energy
Its' energy connects to earth, and activates the base and earth chakras, thus making its an excellent spiritual grounding stone.
When Black Diopside creates a union with Mother Gaia it can aid in connecting with the elemental beings, making one change how one acts towards the earth, as it makes one appreciate the sacredness of life on the planet.
The black variety can also exhibit stars within the stone and known as Black Star Diopside. The stars consist of tiny inclusions of Magnetite, present in the molten stag, which formed/aligned in such a way to create the stars, known as asterism, which tend to be 4 rays Black Star Diopside contains strong grounding and healing energy, so is the perfect stone for those who wish to ground to the earth and is interested in earth healing.
This is a useful healing crystal to use when one feels discontented and feels the need to try something different in life.
Black Star Diopside may help in increasing creativity, by providing a practical approach to ones work, assisting in the release of fear, especially those related to events that may have occured in childhood.
- Support blood cell function and regulation
- Regulate blood coagulatiion
- Balance hormone production
- Support calcium restoration
- Decrease muscular spasms and cramps
- Healing
- New Beginnings
- Nurturing
- Opportunities
- Passion
- Peace
- Purification
- Relaxation
- Base
- Earth Star
- Root
- Virgo
- Libra